1. What is meant by the terms, "psychology of right livelihood?"  

Here is a sample answer which I have provided to assist you in conforming to the standards for the assignments. You may use any part of the sample answer if you put quotation marks around any material that you copied verbatim.

 Sample Answer to Question 1

"What does the "psychology of right livelihood" mean?

The author of the text, Marsha Sinetar, states in the text, "Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow"  on page 10 the following:

""Right Livelihood is an idea about work which is linked to the natural order of things" The author further states "Every species in the natural world has a place and function that is specifically suited to its capabilities."

It appears the author has coined the phrase "psychology of right livelihood "and has postulated the assumption that there is, in fact, a natural order in biology and /or physics. She does not specifically state what that natural order is, however, nor  does she provide any data or experimentation to back up her claim.  

I think the author has stated an opinion which  represents a belief system, i.e., that there is a creator who had a purpose in creating the universe and that the creator had a specific function in mind for each of its creation. My thought is based upon a statement on page 10 in which the author states that the original concept actually came from the teaching of Buddha.

I am not sure that I share this opinion as my experience of my life has sometimes seemed chaotic and purposeless. I like, however, the inspiration  might provide me to examine my actions further and to see how my search for a career might be in fact, a natural extension of my destiny.

2. A Spanish proverb says, "Choose what you will and pay for it." Explain what you think is meant by that proverb. ( Be sure and cite source, page number and provide an example supporting your reasoning..

3. What does the term, "self-actualization", mean? See hyperlink: Abraham Maslow

You may wish to link to this Web site for practical consumer interests. See hyperlink:

 http: //www.selfgrowth.com  ( Cite the link, or source and page number and provide an example. )

4. Think of yourself as an artist and work is a way of self- expression for you. Explain how this could be a reality for you.[1]

5. What do successful people have in common?  Use references other than your own opinion![2]

What did you learn  from answering these questions that is most relevant to your career exploration? Explain by providing a personal example which supports your reasoning..

Helpful hints to assure full credit ( Frequently Asked Questions )

To receive full credit for your assignments send email in complete standard English sentences, provide operational definitions of words, illustrate by example, cite sources used in your answers, and provide reasoning when giving your own opinion and support it with examples from your own personal  experience.

Indicate the assumptions that you are making, if you intend the opinion to represent anyone, or anything, other than yourself, or your own experience. Indicate any supporting data that you have in making your assumptions and what experimentation would be necessary in order to strengthen the argument or your claim. 

If you are using a theoretical hypothesis, please state it and the method used for the examination or proof of it.

If you are stating an apriori assumption, or  affirming a commonly held "belief system", please limit your discussion to your own experience and indicate how you apply it successfully to yourself. Please include an opposing argument to your affirmed " belief system" and indicate with your reasoning as to how it is not as applicable to you as is your own belief system. .

[1] Marsha Sinetar, Do What You Love The Money Will Follow,  New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1987, p.15
[2] Ibid., Marsha Sinetar ,p.16

E-mail: rbrehm@msn.com  Copyright © 1998  [Robert Brehm]. All rights reserved.