Select your favorite occupation and review the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, DOT{ 0*Net Online is the online replacement of the DOT }, the Occupational Outlook Handbook, OOH, and the Guide for Occupational Exploration, G O E, to familiarize yourself with employment opportunities and for the necessary job training and education required. 

A quick rule of thumb.

All DOT job descriptions are listed with nine digits. The first three digits refer to the group classification. It is of particular of importance to pay attention to the 4th,5th and 6th digits. These three middle digits of the nine digits  represent the complexity of the relationship of the Worker Function regarding data, people, and things. The seventh, eighth, and ninth digits refer to other categories of lesser importance.

Let's take, for example, the DOT job description of the Stave-Log-Cut Saw Operator whose nine digits are listed  as follows: 667.682.078

The (4th) digit refers to the Worker Function relationship regarding data.

The (5th) digit refers to the Worker Function relationship regarding people.

The (6th) digit refers to the Worker Function relationship regarding things.

The lower the digit is, from 0-8, the higher the level of Worker Function is needed in order to perform the task.

Note for example the Stave-Log-Cut-Saw Operator job description number   is 667.682.078

The (4th) digit is 6, indicates that the level of complexity of the relationship of the worker function regarding data is rather low. The (5th) digit is 8 which , indicates that the necessary complexity of the relationship of the worker function regarding people is very low. However, note that the (6th) digit,  is 2 which  indicates that the complexity of the relationship of the worker function regarding things is quite complex.

 Hint: An alternative and quicker method in assessing your ability level is to use the Skills Search which can be found at the following  URL: O*Net Online. 

Just check the list of those abilities that you think that you have and then click your mouse pointer on the Go button at the bottom of the check list. You will find a list of Occupations that match the abilities you listed.

Whatoccupation or occupations did you select? Did you find that the DOT 4th,5th and 6th digits matched your perceived ability? Please explain and provide an example. Did you find that your check list on the Skills Search indicated that the occupation  you selected was a good match with your perceived abilities?  Please explain and provide an example. What did you learn that was most helpful with this occupational ability search?

E-mail: rbrehm@msn.com .Copyright © 1998  [Robert Brehm]. All rights reserved.