This theory states that how the original family
behaved toward the child (warm or cold) is directly related to how a person chooses a
career either person or non-person directed. Such careers as astronomy, engineering, and
accounting would be classified as non person directed careers. 2. Self-Concept Theory [2] The self-concept theory hypothesizes how a person, consciously or
unconsciously, defines oneself in terms of self-concept predisposes one to seek that type
of career choice. What kind of person are you? Personality theory classifies persons into types: The basic assumption is that people select a career similar to their type of personality fit.[4] (Resource "Self-Directed Search "(SDS) Specimen Set, John L. Holland) Realistic Social Conventional Enterprising Artistic 4. Chance (Fate) [5]
5. Complicated[6] (Ginzberg) Eli Ginzberg and others, Occupational Choice: An approach to a General Theory, New York: Columbia University Press, 1951 This theory is classified into three stages: Choices take place over a 8 to 10 year period. A fantasy stage occurs between years 10-12. A tentative period occurs between 12-17. A realistic period occurs between 17-20. 2. During these periods a person makes a series of decisions that gradually reduce the number of choices left. 3. Every choice ends up being a compromise.
Anne Roe,
The Psychology of Occupations,
1956 reprinted, Salem New York: Ayer Co., 1977 |