How can we recognize them from us? We have met the enemy and it is us.- Pogo
What do you see in this picture? Are the blue stripes in the foreground, or in the background? Is the yellow in the foreground, or in the background? Perception is the process of gathering sensory input information, whether through the eyes, ears, nose, skin, or mouth , interpreting what it means to us, and then responding accordingly. Perception is a self-fulfilling prophecy , i.e., in the beginning a false definition of a situation occurs which evokes a conclusion that makes the originally false definition to appear true.[1] Simply put, our interpretations are affected by our experience and our genetics. Our interpretations are subjective and are often distorted to fit our belief systems. Two
types of interpersonal projections are common: 1.dispositional
attribution, and 2. situational disposition. The former refers
to a situation whereby we attribute motives due to circumstances, whereas
the latter refers to motives we attribute to a person's character or
disposition.[2] Let us look at the following example. You agree to meet a person at a scheduled time and date. You miss the meeting and then state that it was due to circumstances beyond your control. You agree to meet at another time and date. This time you show up but the other person does not. How would you explain their missing the meeting. Can you tell the difference between the type of projection? The first case is one of situational attribution as you attribute your absence due to circumstances beyond your control. The second case is one of dispositional attribution as you attribute the absence due to the character, or disposition, of the person ,i.e., he/she was lazy, didn't care about the meeting, was or was getting even with you, etc.
Gay and Kathleen Hendricks have stated it so succinctly when they wrote that "Projection begins the moment we forget we are in charge of creating the experience we are having." [4] Your 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire, Factor L, indicated what your percentile of projection is, as compared to the general population. The empty chair technique is a projection technique, i.e., is a technique that is designed to assist us in experiencing how we attribute our own characteristics to another person or object.[5]
Visualize the empty chair for a moment. Now in your imagination place a
person upon that chair. Notice the c
Extra Credit Explain how this card trick works. Be sure and explain the self-fulfilling prophecy and how it affects our interpretation of our perception. Le Woogie!
1. David W. Johnson,
Interpersonal Effectiveness and Self Actualization,
Boston,: Allyn and Bacon, 2003 p.102 . Email: |