Stress Management Final 1. Define the terms stress and stressors, including the different views of stress, and indicate the categories into which one could classify stressors. What type of stressors do you experience? Which are the routine and which are unique? How do you recognize the stress response? Give an example. What is the cognitive stress model as proposed by cognitive psychologists? Do you think this is a viable and practical model? Explain your answer. Give an example how you understand the cognitive psychologist stress theory to be an explanation for triggering the stress response?
3. What is meant by the statement that all disease is
"psychosomatic"? Please define terms and give an example of such a disease. What
type of diseases do you experience? What part does stress play in this disease? 4.What kind of intervention strategies do you use in reducing your stress symptoms? . Which do you find the most helpful and which are the least? Explain your reasons.. List at least 10 of your common strategies, and under which circumstances ,you would find them appropriate to use and under which circumstances you would not find them appropriate.
" What disturbs men's mind is not events, but their judgments on events, And so when we are hindered, or distressed, let us never lay the blame on others, but on ourselves, that is, on our own judgments. To accuse others for one's own misfortunes is a sign of want of education; to accuse oneself show/s that ones education has begun; to accuse neither oneself nor others shows that one's education is complete." Explain what is meant and indicate what stage best indicates the stages of your education in regards to stress management. Give an example stating your reasoning in knowing when your education would be complete. Email: rbrehm@msn.comCopyright © 1998 [Robert Brehm]. All rights reserved. |