Miscellaneous rights and responsibilities The users of chat rooms, threaded discussion groups, NetMeeting, and or conferences, shall abide by rules governing. The user agrees to not use any of the following, and any such use, shall be cause to limit the user from the website. Specifically, whether the chat room is hosted by the owner or not, during the usage the user shall not harass, threaten, embarrass, or cause undue distress or discomfort on any member in the chat room. The user shall not write, or distribute on the threaded discussion group any material of racial overtones, or of persecutive nature to any religion, or minority group. The users shall not intentionally or unintentionally, violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law. Entering this web site, and specifically, a chat room, or posting to a threaded discussion group, will constitute acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you , for any reason, do not use this website. Copyright © 1998 [Robert D. Brehm, M.A.]. All rights reserved. |