Course Objectives


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Interpersonal Relations is a course designed to assist students to improve effectiveness when relating with other people. Self-perception theory and other perception theory provide a theoretical foundation for interpersonal effectiveness.  The development of self-awareness, critical thinking, communication skills, and problem solving skills, is available through the use of chat rooms, threaded discussion groups, e-mail correspondence, Net meeting, or on-campus instructor meetings.

General Objective

The course focus is on increasing interpersonal effectiveness when relating with others. Interpersonal effectiveness is defined as to the degree to which the consequences of a person's behavior match up with one's stated intentions.

Specific Objective
The individual assigned lessons require  participatory activities which include the application of  projective techniques, communication, listening, and problem  solving skills. Emphasis is on developing a critical thinking which can be divided into four levels: (1) Knowledge, (2)  Self-Awareness, (3)  Self-Critique, (4) Search for Self-Understanding.

Knowledge - refers to taking  a standardized personality inventory and other online inventories designed to increase self-awareness.

Self-Awareness- refers to using projective techniques to assist individuals to discover through a process of cognitive dissonance the contradiction between doctrines and opinions regarding interpersonal relationships

Self-Critique- refers to assisting individuals that good thoughts and opinions must be supported by good reasoning. Individuals begin to understand other points of view and learn to evaluate complex issues.

Self-Understanding- refers to integrating  through a rational, objective  method  a means for  understanding and accepting full responsibility  for one's  interpersonal-phenomenology.


Students are required to complete individual assignments, a standardized personality test, and to complete a final.

Acceptable Performance

 Each assignment is awarded points which accumulate and equate to a letter grade

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